Monday, February 11, 2008

Thank you from Muthoga

2/11/2008 (entry by Richard Muthoga) -

Habari from Kenya to all my friends,

I take this opportunity to thank all those friends acrosss the globe for their concern during this turmoli in our beloved country Kenya. I am sincerely thankful to those emails and calls that kept flowing my way asking how safe my families and friends here were. For sure it was something that no one expected in this country. We had general elections and after the presedential tally was announced chaos started. Although where I come from was not affected it was pity for the are mostly affected the Riftvalley, Coast and some parts of Nairobi where we have relatives and friends. It was a bombshell that everyone was sitting on and just erupted during last year general elections. This was a historical factor and mostly it revolves around the scarce resource of land.

Thank God we have emminent people in country like Koffi Ananan spearheading a peace deal and we have high hopes as these shambles have affected even our brothers and sisters in the region.
Once again Thank you very much everyone for the concern during this time. Asante SANA !!!
May peace prevail in the world!!

Richard Muthoga Mwaura
P.O Box 148 Naro-moru 10105 Kenya E.Africa
+254-727 131 218